Benchmark Wines by

Callejo, Felix

The Winery

Callejo, Felix

Félix Callejo was born in June 1943 at Sotillo de la Ribera. His family had a long tradition of working in the wine world. Both his grandfather, Faustino, and his father, Felix, owned vineyards and were also “corredores de vino”, or local wine brokers, who acted as agents to find buyers for batches of wine produced by growers in Sotillo. The Callejo family winery has now passed into the hands of the second generation, and is growing in new and exciting directions under the leadership of the four Callejo siblings. José Félix and Noelia Callejo handle wine production, while Cristina and Beatriz Callejo run the commercial aspects of the business.

3 Pre-Arrival

Wines due to arrive 2 months after purchase. This item may be subject to additional tariff.


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