Benchmark Wine Group has been acquiring our unparalleled stock of fine and rare wine from well-maintained private cellars, reputable wholesalers for two decades, only when provenance can be verified by our team of acquisitions professionals, and selling the very top brands to the top consumers, restaurants and retailers in the country.
Are you a producer seeking a US importer and/or distribution?
We would love to hear from you! As a licensed importer and wholesaler located in the Napa Valley - the heart of California's food and wine scene - we have an extensive network of contacts with the region's top restaurants, wine bars, and retail shops, and can help increase your visibility in the market and brand awareness. Benchmark Wine Group brings your top products directly to buyers who value it most, directly communicating information about their brand to those buyers and bringing customer feedback directly back to them. We work with producers to handle top tier and rare product in a complementary way to any existing relationships. Please contact us for more information.
Are you a buyer in the wine trade?
We’ve helped a large number of the country’s best restaurants and retailers distinguish themselves through offerings of the rarest, perfectly aged, wine, in pristine condition with our provenance guarantee, delivered quickly and exactly to their order. Contact us for more information about our portfolio, wholesale pricing, and availability in your market.
For wholesale inquiries, click here.
For import inquiries, click here.
Showing 25 wines from 7 producers
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
BWG Direct Import
Phone: 707.255.3500
Fax: 707.255.3503
SMS: 707.200.4049
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
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